Why I, a Black Man Helped End Affirmative Action

Justin Samuels
3 min readAug 31, 2023

I am also a Black man who was not considered for scholarships because I was not intersectional enough.

I was denied scholarships at Columbia University because I did not meet the intersectional criteria. I am a Black man, but I am not transgender, a convict, an illegal immigrant, or disabled. I also did not graduate from an HBCU.

I was disappointed and frustrated by this experience. I believe that I am just as deserving of financial assistance as any other student, regardless of my intersectional status.

I believe that this experience is a reflection of the way that CRT can be used to exclude people. CRT often focuses on the experiences of marginalized groups, but it can also be used to create new forms of discrimination.

I hope that this experience will help to raise awareness of the ways in which CRT can be harmful. I believe that we need to have a conversation about how we can better address intersectionality in a way that is inclusive and fair.

I am Black and I oppose critical race theory

I am a Black man who has been critical of critical race theory (CRT) for many years. I believe that CRT is a harmful and divisive ideology that does more harm than good.

CRT is a legal framework that examines the ways in which racism is embedded in American law and society. It argues that racism is not just the product of individual prejudice, but is also systemic and institutional.

I agree that racism is a real and serious problem in America. However, I do not believe that CRT is the best way to address it. I believe that CRT promotes a victim mentality and divides people along racial lines.

CRT also teaches that all white people are inherently racist, regardless of their individual actions. This is a dangerous and harmful generalization.

I believe that we should focus on teaching people about the history of racism in America and how it continues to impact our society today. We should also teach people about the importance of fighting for racial equality and justice. I have been fighting to end affirmative action by filing civil rights complaints against all race or sex based programs like NYC Men Teach, a program designed to pay for graduate school for men of color only and only if they attended CUNY.

I am a Black man who is proud of my heritage and my culture. I believe that all people, regardless of race, deserve to be treated with dignity and respect. I oppose critical race theory because I believe it is a harmful and divisive ideology that does not promote racial equality.

In addition to the points I have already made, I would also like to add that CRT is often used to silence dissent and to censor opposing viewpoints. This is a dangerous trend that I believe must be stopped.

I have been inspired by Mark J. Perry to file hundreds of complaints with the Office for Civil Rights (OCR) a d against single-sex or race programs. I am now suing Barnard College for sex discrimination against straight men and gay men.

